Thursday, July 25, 2013

Ways to improve your credit score


We all know the importance of a good credit score.With that being said, we all know life happens and scores suffer the consequences. Here are some tips to get yours back on track. 
1. The first thing you want to do is review your credit report and have any errors removed. 
2. Keep your balances down well below your limit.

3. If you don't have a credit card get one. Don't fall for the myth that you have to carry a balance to have a good score. You don't and you shouldn't. However having and using a card or two can really build your score. If you can't qualify for a regular card consider a cured card that reports to all 3 bureaus.
4. The next thing we'd advise is to add an installment loan to the mix. You'll get the fastest improvement in your scores if you show you're responsible with both major kinds of credit: revolving (credit cards) and installment (personal loans, auto, mortgages and student loans. Make sure the loan is reported to the credit bureaus.

We can help you get your score to where it needs to be. There are no lost causes. We Specialize in credit counseling and debt management. Invest in your future and give us a call today.
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Contact :
Cashflow Credit Counseling and Collections
200 Rt. 18 
East Brunswick, NJ 08816
Phone : 732-201-3060 option #2 or email us at

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